Taurus: Growth + Abundance

Taurus: Growth + Abundance

What you focus on grows

Taurus season begins today as the sun moves into this zodiac sign. Taurus is a feminine, fixed, earth sign which makes the energy of this sign extremely stable with all the “raw materials” for growth and creation. This is why Taurus is known as the sign of abundance: the “raw material” of the earth element and the ability to manifest ideas into reality, both attributes of fixed signs and earth element signs.

So what Taurus dreams, Taurus creates. And because it is a feminine sign, Taurus wants to create beautiful things – an appreciation of aesthetics and pleasure. When imbalanced, the energy of Taurus becomes heavy and stagnant, leading to overindulgence and laziness.

How this Taurus season manifests in your life is dependent upon its placement within your chart. But for everyone, this in a time of growth. Some area of your life is ready to expand, to collect as well as create. This could be experiences, opportunities, health, or actual goods and wealth.

What do you believe is possible?

The question to ask yourself is what is your relationship to abundance? Do you operate from a scarcity mindset or a prosperity mindset? Scarcity mindset can be seen in hoarding, overindulgence, or miserliness, as well as the opposite end of the spectrum where abundance is never even able to enter the person’s life. Believing prosperity is difficult to attain will prove itself to be true, and those self-limiting thoughts impact your relationship to Taurus.

You can learn more about the archetypes of the zodiac, seasonal living, and more in my e-course, Attune to Nature, or you can join me Friday, May 1st, 2020 on Zoom for the continuation of our Yoga Astrology Series
focusing on balancing and embracing Taurus’ energy in your life.

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