Blood Work Analysis: What are the Numbers Telling You?

Blood Work Analysis: What are the Numbers Telling You?

Got lab work? Did you know medical doctors use conventional ranges that compare your results to the average Americans instead of to ranges of optimal health? Not sure what that actually means? Let me explain it to you…

Conventional vs. Optimal

Chronic disease numbers in America are on the rise. People are getting diagnosed earlier and earlier with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and all other manner of illnesses. America is sick. So the average American’s lab numbers may not be the best measuring stick for determining your health. Which is why you may feel so crummy but your doctor tells you your blood work is “fine.” So what’s another option?

In the field of holistic wellness, optimal ranges for health are used when evaluating blood work. Optimal ranges are much tighter than conventional ones and are used to catch imbalance at the start, not wait for a full-blown disease to manifest before “treatment” begins. Do you want to wait for a diagnosis of diabetes before you begin to address your blood glucose levels, or do you want to catch it at the first sign of a blood sugar imbalance?

Patterns in the Numbers

Your lab numbers tell a story, giving clues and revealing patterns that indicate likely imbalances or health concerns. From nutrient deficiencies to parasites to organ health, your lab work is trying to communicate with you. For example, elevated blood glucose levels can be an indicator of blood sugar imbalance, or it may simple be a thiamine deficiency. Other areas of your lab work, such as A1C or electrolytes help to create a clearer picture of what’s going on.

As a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, I have received extensive training in reading blood work as well as over 500 hours clinical experience. If you would like to have your lab work evaluated, email me at After we have discussed your goals and I have received your labs, I will send you a link to schedule an appointment. During the session, we will review any of your results that are out of optimal range, what those numbers reveal, and specific recommendations to bring your body back into balance.

Click here for more information about Holistic Wellness or to schedule a 15-min free consultation.

Be well,

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