Refreshing Hibiscus - Lemon Balm Tea

Refreshing Hibiscus - Lemon Balm Tea

Staying hydrated is so important for our overall health, but it can get really boring just chugging glass after glass of water. And sometimes, water just isn’t satisfying — it feels like it’s running right through me, leaving me just as thirsty and before. So I was on a mission to create a refreshing, hydrating, and delicious herbal tea. Enter hibiscus.

Hibiscus is a cooling and moistening (i.e., hydrating) herb that is indicated for high pitta conditions with an affinity for the female reproductive system and the heart. This herb’s sweet and sour flavor is refreshing while also creating a stunningly beautiful tea. That deep red color indicates another benefit of this herb — it’s high antioxidant content, purifying the blood and boosting the immune system.

While I love hibiscus tea by itself, I wanted to add a little zest, a little sunshine….and lemon balm was calling out to me. This antiviral herb is a relaxing nervine, helping you and your nervous system to cool down while also brightening you mood. For me, this is the citrine of the herbal world, sunny and happy, sure to bring a smile to your face and a little more joy to your day. Together lemon balm and hibiscus make a delicious and thirst-quenching combo that are also supporting numerous bodily systems! A perfect pair for the Texas heat we know is coming.

This tea can be made with fresh or dried lemon balm, although I particularly like it with fresh. I have also added a bit of mint to the tea as well. The recipe below is for brewing on the stovetop, but this makes a wonderful sun tea as well! Just combine the herbs in a mason jar, fill with water, then set outside on a sunny day and let steep for a few hours. Strain and dilute if desired. This adds another layer of vibrant energy to this tea

hibiscus lemon balm tea logo.png


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