Astrology Natal Chart 101
10:30 AM10:30

Astrology Natal Chart 101

We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born.

-Carl Jung

Astrology is an ancient science studying the movements of the planets relative to each other and the greater universe and the energetic effects of those movements. Modern science is slowly beginning to understand what the ancients knew: everything within the universe is connected.

Your natal chart is a map of the sky at the time of your birth. It shows where the planets were in relation to each other and within the zodiac and where the zodiac signs were in the sky relative to the horizon. This is a blueprint of the energetic signature of the universe at the moment you came in to it. Depending upon how you look at it, you could say you are a reflection of that energy or the opposite, you were born at that exact moment so the energetic signature would match who you are.

Learning to read your natal chart opens a door to deeper understanding of yourself. It can help you recognize patterns in your life, weakness and strengths, and help you to understand how the current “astrological weather” is affecting you.

In this workshop, you will learn how to generate your natal chart online and the basics of reading the chart. This includes:

  • a short explanation of the energies represented by the planets, zodiac signs, and houses

  • an introduction into aspects

  • recognizing overarching themes within a chart

You will need to bring your birth information to the workshop including the date, time, and location of your birth. Without this information, you cannot calculate your natal chart! If you only have your birthdate and no other information, only the planets’ placements can be calculated.

Instructor: Rachel Psencik

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Mindful Movement and Meditation for Stress Management Class Series
to Dec 11

Mindful Movement and Meditation for Stress Management Class Series

Join us on the second Friday of each month for a class designed to develop your mindful stress
management practice. Through a gentle flow yoga class or iRest ®meditation, find balance to combat
the effects of stress. Learn about the body’s stress response and the impact yoga and meditation
practices have on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth. iRest meditations have applications
for acute or chronic stress and are trauma sensitive.

On February 14 th , we will start this journey with a gentle flow yoga practice and iRest meditation lasting
90 minutes. March through November, each session will offer either a 75-minute long iRest meditation
or a gentle flow yoga practice (see schedule below). We will end in December with another gentle flow
yoga practice and iRest meditation lasting 90 minutes. All classes begin at 6:30pm.

These experiences are appropriate for beginners to advanced level students. Please note that the yoga
practices may not be appropriate for those who have difficulty transitioning from the floor to standing.
Each meditation class will begin with mindful movement on the mat.

February - 90 minute combined yoga and iRest meditation
March - 75 minute iRest meditation
April - 60 minute yoga practice online via Zoom
May - 75 minute iRest meditation
June - 75 minute yoga practice
July - 75 minute iRest meditation
August - 75 minute yoga practice
September - 75 minute iRest meditation
October - 75 minute yoga practice
November - 75 minute iRest meditation
December - 90 minute combined yoga and iRest meditation

Instructor: Jen Young, LPC, RYT, Level 1 iRest Teacher

The classes in this series are regularly scheduled monthly classes and, as such, class passes or unlimited passes may be used to attend these classes. Individual classes may also be purchased. Book a class here.

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