Nourishing Self-Care

Nourishing Self-Care

Self-care is a buzz word right now. Everyone’s being encouraged to do it: take care of yourself, prioritize your well-being, you can’t give what you don’t have, etc. But what does it really mean?

Self-care will mean something different to each person because we all have unique needs and struggles and traumas. Sometimes it’s learning to say no, or allowing yourself to not stay busy all the time. It may be exercise, taking a nap, taking a bath. It’s meant to recharge your batteries physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Creating a nourishing self-care practice begins with evaluating where you are. How do you feel? Hot or cold? Are you tense or run-down and burned-out? Do you feel scattered or stuck? Make a list! Write down exactly how you feel. Use descriptive words, sensory words, however you can best capture your experience.

Now that you have a handle on how you feel, you can begin to devise a routine to bring some balance into your life. The formula is pretty simple: to bring yourself back into balance, do the opposite of your imbalance. If you’re cold, do something to warm yourself up. A bath would physically warm you, but if it’s your emotions that have run cold, find a way to rekindle that spark of warmth and lovingkindess. Volunteer at the local animal rescue to socialize the dogs or cats. Listen to music that speaks to your soul and opens your heart.

Feeling exhausted, over-worked and spaced out? Get outside with your feet on the ground and your hands in the soil. Or bring the earth inside and make a mud mask. Feeling hot and tense? Make a cup of lavender and chamomile tea and soak in an Epsom salt bath.

Having decided on a self-care practice, now you need to do it. Just as one footprint doesn’t create a path, doing something once does not create change. Commit to your practice, and create lasting and beneficial change in your life. And if you are not sure what to do, let the earth guide you. Nature’s wisdom can be observed simply by looking outside. What are the plants doing? The birds? Are they resting? Growing? Singing? If you look outside and feel drawn to the sturdiness and stability of the oak tree, take a cue and find a way to ground yourself. Or maybe you need to let go of an unstable relationship or job. Mama Gaia’s guidance will never fail you if you know how to listen.

Need help getting started or finding ways to hold yourself accountable? Wellness coaching may be the answer. Coaching sessions help you to gain clarity where you feel stuck or confused and then create an achievable pathway towards change in your life. You’ll learn how to set realistic goals and expectations for yourself that enable you to stay the course without struggling against yourself and your own unique strengths and tendencies. Learn more about my coaching sessions and packages.

Be well everyone!

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