Holistic Wellness


Self-care through Holistic wellness

Holistic wellness is not a destination. It is a practice. We must continually cultivate wellness in mind, body, and spirit. We are intricately woven together as individuals, communities, and worldwide. Cultivating wellness in our lives involves looking at how we treat our bodies, how we think, how we process emotions, and our connection to ourselves, each other, the planet and the universe. Seeking a life of meaning while acknowledging the interconnectedness of life and working with that truth is the first step.

Holistic health practice

At this time, as I enter into Motherhood, I have limited my offerings to blood work analysis. One day, as my baby grows and we adjust to this new life, I will once again offer sound therapy sessions as I love this modality and see such a range of individualized results! However, I am equally passionate about blood work analysis as it is such a simple yet effective tool to improving health and quality of life.



What people are saying…


Watch my Immune Support Series below for some simple tips to boost your immune system!