Prenatal Yoga Class

It is absolutely essential for a pregnant woman to maintain her physical and mental well-being both for her own sake and for the sake of the child within.

- Geeta Iyengar, Yoga a Gem for Women

A prenatal yoga class is meant to support the woman’s body throughout pregnancy and prepare it for birth. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or are new to yoga, a prenatal yoga class should be accessible for all with the exception of a high risk pregnancy. In such a case, consult with your midwife or doctor before attending. A limited number of asanas, or poses, are practiced as not all asanas are appropriate or safe for pregnant bodies. Props are offered to assist in moving thru and holding poses. 

Every body is different and will respond to pregnancy differently. Prenatal yoga can be used to learn how to safely modify your yoga practice so you can continue or begin to attend “regular” yoga classes, or you may find the prenatal class challenging enough and simply take some of the practices home with you for morning stretching or an evening wind-down.

Beginning on the first Friday in October, I will be offering a monthly prenatal yoga class held at The Starting Place Birth and Wellness Center in downtown Temple. This location offers convenience for pregnant mamas as well as an opportunity to discover the amazing resources that can be found at the birth center for pregnancy as well as postpartum care - and you don’t even have to be a client of theirs to enjoy these resources! Having been their client and now continuing to attend their postpartum support group, I can say without a doubt I love this place and the midwives who run it and am excited to share space with them for this prenatal yoga class.

Class will be held from 10:30-11:30am on the first Friday of each month, beginning in October. Classes are $12 each, or you may choose to purchase a 10 class pass, valid both for the prenatal classes as well as all classes held at my studio. Sign up here.

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