New Location COMING SOON!

New Location COMING SOON!

The times, they are a changin’. And with that change comes new opportunities. Since opening this studio in 2016, I’ve been expanding both the offerings at the studio as well as my own education and experience. I have endeavored to create a holistic wellness center that is focused on both education and experience of natural medicine, self-healing, the metaphysical, and spirituality — all gifts directly from the earth or found when you live attuned to her rhythms.

I am listening to and being guided by those rhythms myself as I begin a new chapter at Mama Gaia Medicine and move this holistic wellness center to the countryside. I am in the process of constructing a small studio and office space on my family’s farm in Seaton, Texas where I can offer yoga classes, one-on-one holistic health coaching and consulting, workshops and events, plant walks, and more! With plans to expand our gardens, next year I hope to be able to offer medicinal herbs, vegetables, and plants for sale as well.

Studio Memberships + Weekly Yoga Classes

For those of you who attend yoga classes, I will host both in-person and online classes at the new studio. Jen will also continue her monthly iRest meditation and gentle yoga classes both in-person and online as well. In-person indoor classes will be limited to 5 people. Pre-registration will be required. You can view the tentative weekly schedule below.

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The membership subscription will be expanded into three options which offer many additional perks to the current subscription.

The ONLINE membership offers unlimited online classes and access to premium digital content including video series, online workshops, and some e-courses. In addition, a 30% discount will be available for all other services such as in-person yoga classes or events and holistic wellness services.

The GAIA membership includes the ONLINE membership access with the addition of unlimited in-person yoga classes and free attendance once a month to a workshop or event held at MGM.

And the most robust membership, the HOLISTIC membership, includes all that the ONLINE and GAIA memberships have to offer as well as a monthly holistic wellness session. This can be a sound therapy session, a holistic health coaching + consulting session, or any other one-on-one session I offer.

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For existing members, you can keep your current subscription for unlimited in-person and online yoga, or you can shift to one of the new options.

For those with existing credits, your credits will remain usable for both in-person and online classes, and expiration dates will be extended six months. You will also have the option to use your credits towards a holistic wellness session. Each credit, in this instance, would be worth $15, so that 5 credits would cover a single $75 session.

Pricing for drop-ins and class packages will be adjusted ($12 drop-in, $90 10 class pack) along with the addition of an online-only class pack and drop-in option.

Thank you joining me on this journey.

I’m looking forward to what the future has in store, even as things become less certain and the world becomes more chaotic. It’s always darkest before the dawn, and I feel that a new dawn is coming, not only personally as I embark on this new leg of the journey, but for humanity and Mama Gaia as well.

Be well everyone!


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Health Benefits of Okra + Roasted Okra Recipe

Health Benefits of Okra + Roasted Okra Recipe