Sound Therapy


What is Sound Therapy?

Sound has been used throughout the ages and across the world as a tool for healing. As we’ve come to better understand the workings of the universe and that matter is vibration, the importance of this modality begins to take on greater significance. Through entrainment, sound therapy brings your energy field into alignment with a state of health and well-being.

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls are one method to deliver the powerful effects of sound therapy. Each hand-hammered bowl is unique with its own particular pitch and resonance. The bowls are played with a mallet and either strike the bowls on their sides or glide around the rim to make the bowls sing.

During a private sound therapy session, bowls are placed on and around the body and struck repeatedly with the mallet. Each session lasts one hour and is unique as the bowls will give you exactly what you need at that time. As such, results vary from person to person. Some experience relief of physical symptoms while others have energetic blockages released. But one thing everyone has in common, they all report a feeling of energy and calmness after each session.

1-hour Session — $75