
This course is your guide through an entire year of living. Each section covers a six-week period, and within each section is a breakdown of the energies and archetypes of that yearly period. Tips and exercises for the physical body, emotions, mind, and spirit are included to help you realign with the cycles of our cosmic parents, Mama Gaia and the Sun.


You can go through this course one section at a time, beginning with the section that corresponds to the time of year you are currently in, or you can read through the entire course if you’d like, then find the correct section for your time of year, progressing through the sections every six weeks. You decide. But know that the work cannot be done for you. Knowledge itself can create change, but it’s up to you to embrace the wisdom of Mama Gaia and flow through life with an ease and trust that comes with seasonal living.

When you attune yourself to the natural rhythms around you, things begin to flow more easily. Decisions become clearer, obstacles reveal their true nature as guides, and your path begins to unfold before you in amazing and mysterious ways.