
Samhain - November 1st

This season, along with the 1st of May, is when “the veil between the worlds thins.” Connecting to Spirit, your guides, and ancestors becomes easier.

You can ask for guidance, seek to heal ancestral wounds or lingering grief over the loss of a loved one, or face your shadow-self. For many, diving into the world of the “dead” can seem scary, but when you consciously connect to the darkness and the unknown, it can be a time of profound healing and release.


Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Everything is more intense through the watery lens of Scorpio. Emotions are powerful, thoughts are deep, and delving into the darkness is this sign’s specialty. When you get ready to face the shadow, you will want this sign ready to provide you aid because it has the wisdom of life and death and the power of transformation.

Just as nature begins to let go and withdraw its energy internally, allowing death on the surface, Scorpio directs you when to withdraw your energy from a situation or behavioral/thought pattern and redirect it towards healing and internal growth. Then, as spring starts to roll around and the energy polarity readies to flip to extroversion, you will be refreshed and ready to engage again with the outside world with fewer wounds coloring and limiting your experience.

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Scorpio is the perfect partner for accessing your ancestors. It can seamlessly move between the physical and spiritual planes. It is important when engaging here that you have mastered the grounding techniques offered by the Autumnal Equinox. If you cannot stay tethered to the physical realm then you may find yourself lost in the spiritual or wanting to escape to that realm.

Scorpio understands the balance of the physical and the spiritual, and for you to work beneficially with the energy, it is important that you do too. If you haven’t yet gone through the exercises from the Autumnal Equinox, go back and look over the grounding techniques mentioned and begin to practice them before delving too deeply into shadow work.

What is shadow work? Those “negative,” wounded aspects of ourselves we prefer not to look at retreat to the shadows. From there, these negative aspects can begin to take over various areas of your life without you realizing it because they operate from the level of the sub-conscious (the shadow). It can be difficult work to choose to look these aspects of yourself in the face, after all, you pushed them into the shadows for a reason – they were too painful to acknowledge.

If you attempt to begin shadow work from an ungrounded state, you can get lost in the negative and your self-worth can plummet. When you are firmly grounded in the realization that you are a multi-dimensional being, you are more than your body, and you are safe and firmly rooted in the love and support of Mama Gaia, then you can extend unconditional love to yourself and your negative aspects, providing the healing salve necessary to transmute their harmful energies into positive and helpful forms.

Chakra: third eye

Your third eye is the portal through which you access the non-physical realm. It is the seat of both your mental powers and your intuitive powers. When you combine these two, the clair-senses can come online and offer you very beneficial sensory input when navigating the world of Spirit.

Open and balanced, the third eye offers you tremendous imaginative powers, mental visualization, and intuitive insight. Your thoughts become a pathway for guidance from Spirit to reach you. And your intuition becomes a compass by which you can reliably live, guiding you through difficult situations, helping you make decisions, and keeping you safe from harm.

Out of balance, your third eye may shut down completely, severing you from the world of Spirit. Unable or unwilling to communicate with the non-physical realm, guidance can’t reach you. Omens and synchronicities may be all around you, but you are completely oblivious to them or readily dismiss them as “coincidence.” In this state, you are overly grounded and stuck in the physical plane.

If your third eye is too open, you can easily be taken advantage of from the Spirit realm. You can get lost in the world of the non-physical, completely untethered to Mama Gaia. Open to influence and without the ability to ground or protect yourself, negative entities can feed you unhelpful information or downright lies.


Tarot: Death

The archetypal energy of the Death card reigns this time of year. While this card can pertain to physical death – the first frost, nature’s kiss of death, often comes during this six-week window – it also refers to the end of a cycle. This time of year is about letting go and cultivating the wisdom and intuition to discern what to let go. Then, you make way for something fresh and new to enter into your life or for a transformation to take place that remakes the old in your life into something better!


Body: Mud Bath

We have firmly moved into the “self-care” portion of the year, when your focus shifts to replenishing your own reserves. It is time for rest and to re-enforce the grounding practices you began during the fall equinox.

Hot springs and mud baths warm you up while providing your body with numerous beneficial minerals readily absorbed through your skin. Soaking your body in Mama Gaia’s natural “spas” is incredibly restorative and grounding. If you can’t find a local hot spring or splurging on a mud bath at a local spa is out of the budget, you can recreate the experience in your own home!

Emotions: Facing Your Fear

Fear is the lowest vibrational emotion. It weakens your immune system, your energetic field, and your mind. You become susceptible to illness, energetic attachments, and harmful suggestions. And when faced with a negatively oriented person or being, nothing is more empowering for them than your fear. Their energy field literally feeds off it.

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Call on support. You are not in this alone. You have angels, guardians, and ancestors ready and waiting for you to call on them for assistance. They can and will help you in times of distress. Ask for their support, their guidance, and their protection when you are feeling afraid.

Move towards your fear. If you are having scary thoughts, visions, scenarios, etc. playing out in your head, don’t try to avoid them and push them away. That gives them more power. Instead, move into the scenario, allow it to play out, and see yourself still standing on the other side. You are eternal. Absolutely nothing can truly destroy you. When you recognize your multi-dimensional nature and trust in the wisdom of the universe, fear loses its grip. Everything that happens to you happens for you. Your soul benefits from all your experiences, good and bad.

Embrace “radical” unconditional love. I say “radical,” but I really mean plain
and simple unconditional love. Love for the ugly, love for the
hurtful, love for the evil, love in the face of the greatest horrors and the
scariest demons. If you can love the ugliest bits, you cannot be touched. They simply cannot continue to exist in your energy field as your vibration of love and their vibration of evil and fear are too disparate. When all else fails, when nothing you try quells the fear, send the pure energy of love. You will be amazed by the results.


One of the simplest things you can do to heal and open your third eye is to avoid fluoride. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and byproduct (i.e., industrial waste) of the synthetic fertilizer industry. These companies sought ways to utilize their waste and began marketing their fluoride to the pharmaceutical industry. Now you can find it at the dentist’s office, in your toothpaste, and even added to your drinking water!

Besides its neurotoxic effect, fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, your literal third eye. Without the use of this gland, your energy center begins to weaken and become blocked as well.

Install a reverse osmosis filter or other filter that specifically says it removes fluoride for your drinking water. If you buy bottled water, research the companies to find out which is fluoride free. Switch toothpaste brands. Decline fluoride treatments at the dentist, or switch to a biological dentist.

Avoiding this toxic substance and intentionally attempting to connect to your third eye will help to detox your pineal gland and awaken your intuitive powers.

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Spirit: Ancestral Healing

Ancestral wounds play an important part in everyone’s personal journey and are often overlooked, misunderstood, or are never even considered. These wounds are passed down from parent to child and are particularly strong through the matrilineal line.

Traumas will continue to be played out from one generation to the next until someone in the blood line becomes conscious of the wound and heals it. At that point, the line is healed forwards and backwards and your ancestors as well as descendants yet to come will be freed from the burden and give a shout of thanksgiving! Sometimes referred to as “curses” in various cultures, ancestral wounds can be found in nearly everyone’s line because so few are conscious of this work and choose undertake it.

Healing ancestral wounds begins with becoming aware of patterns within your family line. Unhealthy behavioral patterns passed down, abusive relationships that create an endless cycle of victim and abuser, life crises or illnesses that tend to occur at the same age generation to generation.

Even similar diseases, birthmarks, and personality traits can be passed down as an energy imprint through the bloodline. (Some diseases are literally passed down through the bloodline, but not as genetic defects as is so commonly proposed. Toxic contaminants stored in the liver are literally passed down from mother to baby in the womb and can lead to generational illnesses.)

Sometimes, ancestral wounds can be subtle and difficult to pinpoint. But the fact is, you can heal a wound without consciously knowing what it is, where it came from, or what caused it. All you need to be is aware of it.



If you have not begun the practice of cultivating your intuition, this exercise will very likely be beyond the scope of your abilities at this moment. First, learn how to access and trust your intuitive abilities. I offer several exercises in my free course Healing the Divine Feminine to tune in to your intuition. You may also be interested in learning more about my Intuition Coaching program.

Ask for any ancestors that need your help to come to you at this time. Allow them to reveal their stories to you. It may not come to you in the form of words but, instead, a feeling or urge to do something. Trust that.

I spent a week driving all over the countryside visiting dozens of graves of ancestors after receiving one of these “urges.” I trusted my intuition and at each cemetery was shown what to do to clear the stuck energy from my ancestral line.

Don’t expect your ancestral healing “protocol” to look like mine. It will almost certainly be very different. Only you and your ancestors know what it is. It’s up to you to listen and trust in yourself to receive the message.