Yoga Class Descriptions + Schedule



M/W 9am — This hatha class will stretch, strengthen, and relax with the added bonus of balancing the doshas. The seasons, the weather, and many other factors affect our bodies and our health. This seasonally-based class will use the practice of yoga to thoughtfully counter these factors and assist in keeping you happy, healthy, and balanced! Expect an invigorating class in winter and spring, a relaxing class in summer, and a grounding class in the fall.



Fri 9am — Coordinate movement with breath to flow from one pose to the next. The breath is given primacy, acting as an anchor for movement. The class will range from fast - sometimes vigorous - to slow paced. Due to the speed of moving through poses, not suitable for beginners.


Weekend Warrior Flow

Sat 9am — This rigorous flow will get the blood pumping and the sweat dripping. Combining yoga poses with mobility and strengthening exercises,  this class works the entire body, bringing it back to its natural state of agility and balance. Not suitable for beginners.